
A bit of a non day today on so many fronts!
I got up gloriously late, having woken in the night convinced it was Monday!
We had a lovely breakfast cooked by Mr U&L and I did a huge pile of ironing!
Robyn, Cleo and I took Betsy, and Freddy to the local forest which was fun, but my Lumix went on strike and all the shots were pants, so I went out late afternoon to Slaugham churchyard which is quite good for wildlife.
Just inside the gate I noticed this very attractive and almost perfect Parasol mushroom Macrolepiota procera. Parasol mushrooms are found throughout the UK, and can be seen from July to November. The cap is conical in shape, and (I think) looks a bit like a boob! it is creamy in colour with brownish scales , and creamy white gills. apparently it is tasty if cooked, but poisonous if raw! and like with all fungi if you aren't an expert in ID it is best not to pick and try to eat any at all!

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