From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Scotland: Will you let me in?

Nothing exciting to report on this trip back from Scotland this time. I was almost disappointed that there were no flags or pipe bands to see me off at Glasgow Airport. I don't know why I expected it to be different on my last time leaving Scotland with it being part of the UK.

The only thing that was slightly different was that I was wearing my new boots today and I was able to take them off totally unaided! Usually I have to sling my foot up on the table looking apologetic and asking the unfortunate security person to have a tug. It would be easier to unscrew my wooden legs or go through the x-ray tunnel myself really. I wonder if a bell (like on a microwave oven) would have dinged when I was done? Anyway, it was easier today and my new boots looked really good in the tray going through. I was relieved when they came out the other side as I was waiting like an expectant parent.

There was an Australian couple behind me and the lady had seen me take my boots off and said something to her husband who replied 'Yes, you have to take your boots off. The way things are going we'll have to take everything off to go through security in the future!' I got the evil eye when I turned round and remarked 'Bloody hell! I hope not!'

Seriously, can you imagine that? I'm trying really hard not to imagine but will probably have weird dreams tonight...

This picture was taken not long after take off.

Go large!

If you are reading this, you know that the plane didn't crash. The ENORMOUS lady sat next to me made the plane wobble every time she breathed out. I wish I was kidding. Any passing birds would have seen my face squashed up against the window as I couldn't move!

Track? Anyway Scotland, will you let me back in after Thursday? I hope you won't be singing this cracker from 1970 to me - I Hear You Knocking!

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