From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'm missing the excitement!

I felt a bit out of sorts and misplaced today, as if I'd had to come home from a party before the excitement at the end. It couldn't be helped though with the need to go back up to Scotland in a couple of weeks.

Years ago I broke my foot getting out of bed. No, I wasn't in a top bunk bed and forgot! I just woke up with horrendous pins and needles and when I stood up in a hurry, my leg gave way and I fell cracking a bone. Anyway, it was nothing too terrible and after the first couple of weeks I was able to limp about with walking boots. I was a bit careful where I went though and would generally avoid crowded places.

I used to go to occasional Birmingham City football matches with friends but I'd always leave ten minutes before the end arranging to meet pals up the road in the Brewer and Baker to avoid the crush to get out of the ground. I lost count of the amount of times I sat through eighty minutes of no score but missed two or more goals after I'd left!

That's what I felt like today, being back here in Birmingham when the goals (own or otherwise) hit the target.

Oh well! My arrival back in the office today sparked a few interesting referendum debates. Most people sensibly kept their heads down. It livened up a Monday morning office for a while anyway. What I did think funny was that everyone felt that David Cameron and his gang had done more harm than good rushing up there and David Beckham hadn't helped either! I remember watching the Euro 2004 match between Portugal and England in the Abbotsford Hotel in Ayr. It was 2-2 at the end and Beckham took the first penalty and the ball flew over the top of the net. Everyone howled laughing and a man at the back yelled 'Let Beckham take another one!' It was a good evening anyway.

Back to the present day, Nuzhat was in the office for a change which was great as we got out for a wander. Nuzhat was born and bred in Edinburgh. Her parents and sisters are still up there. We had a good chat while we wandered around with our paninis. We are both down here wondering now...

That was it for today. It was very busy but certainly interesting!

There were plenty of birds and squirrels hanging around when I got back and it was hard to decide what to choose.

Go large!

Track? I love the video to this! The Stones today - It's All Over Now

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