youngies journey

By youngie66

Excitement Beckons

Well this was a little exciting today as I helped out in the Rosyth Yes Hub today when these two women from BBC radio 4 came in to do some interviews and opinions of those in here so you never know you may hear my dulcet tones as well as I had my say also but don't hold your breath as when they were asking Jude here they were trying to get an answer to a question where they were implying all those at the dockyard were voting No how do you know that when you have just driven over the bridge hmmm so Jude put her straight thankfully it will be on radio 4 tomorrow night at 10pm I believe the radio lady said,I can feel a Freddie Mercury song coming on All we here is Radio Blah Blah lol, so we will see anyway nice to have a little bit of excitement and lauged at both the Sun and Daily Record papers today as the Sun showed a cloud on the front page that looked like a map of the UK and Ireland with Scotland missing hmmm is that a sign could be then the record had the signed image of what was called the VOW from the 3 stooges at Wastemonster which was quickly shot down by a few backbench Torys saying they will want a say and possibly veto it anway as the old saying goes It Aint Over Till The Fat Lady Sings now then movie for the day is "Interview With The Vampire 1994" See Ya

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