Life, not as we see it.


Alfresco at altitude

Gus, our Happy Host in Dalyan, took it upon himself to scrounge the use of a car with which to transfer us to our next / last holiday destination, OluDeniz, some 70 kms east..

En-route we diverted 6 kms up a single track road through an area of wooded hills previously devastated by fire, and into a charming valley which had somehow escaped lucifer.

The current owner of the land, largely neglected by his family for generations, has built / allowed to be built, a series of large villas and small appartment blocks, all subtly intigrated into the lie of the land and the mature timber.
There is an unusual restaurant, where we lunched in a large, upholstered nest, up a huge tree.
Perilous journey for me down from one nest and back up to our's, in under 10 seconds to capture today's shot.

Dropped off at our hotel by Gus, Dunc & Trish, and now settled in with a beer. ( Trust G, D & T made it safely back up the hills)

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