
By strawhouse

Falling Down

As usual our apples are falling off the tree faster than we are collecting them.
I really should pick them up.
I stayed awake all last night watching the results of the Referendum come in so today has been a bit of a blur!
I assumed I'd fall asleep with the television on like I normally do during elections (I fell asleep minutes before Michael Portillo lost his seat in 1997!!) and then wake up in the early hours to see what was going on. But I was gripped and watched it all night.
I had thought I might go back to bed after dropping the Little Misses off but I didn't. I made myself an omelette and spent the day in a slumped heap on the sofa.
Until I went to meet Mrs B for tea and cake at a lovely tearoom in Buckingham. Elderflower and gooseberry cake and proper loose leaf tea. Yummy!
Then it was a very long drawn out pick up at school - Miss L finished at 4pm and Miss E at Uni-hoc (whatever that is!) until 4.45pm. Then both of them wanting to play on the big field and climbing frame for another half hour with their friends.
I was quite sleepy by then!
Home to cook chicken curry while Mr K sorted out the Little Misses for bed and then more sofa slumping before bed.
It's 9.30pm and I don't think I'll be awake too much longer!

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