
By kas18


Hi Tom

I have so many little projects going on in the garden and the house at the moment, but I can't seem to settle and finish one. I flit from one thing to another and never finish. I'm halfway through pruning a rose bush I started about three weeks ago. Strimmed part of the riverbank at the back, but a lot more needs doing. Started weeding my little garden under the oak but that has come to a stop. Started weeding the flower bed by the tennis court, that has also come to a stop. Started strimming the nettles from the bank by the field....I'm still going with that.

Inside the house I've started to sort my bedroom out. I started to sort my bedside draws out, they are still on the floor. I started to sort my make up out, still sorting. I started to sort my underwear draws out, still sorting those too. My bedroom looks like it's been vandalised....worse than yours!

I really do flit from one thing to another and never settle. I never give myself the satisfaction of actually completing a job. I really need to sort myself out.

Apart from flitting about from one thing to another I've also been shopping, done the washing, taken dogs for a walk, helped out at weight watcher...I lost this week :) and I'll be off to Pilates later.

Heard about two new little babies arriving. One was born yesterday. My friend Mujgan is a grandmother to a little boy who they have named Elvis Onur! Poor little lad. I don't think he will thank his parents for that when he's older. The other was a little girl. Steve the guy who's painting the house became a grandad today. It was quite lovely being here when he was told the news as he got quite emotional. They have called her Fraya Grace...far more sensible.

Took a shot of this rose. It smells gorgeous. Not sure we will get too many more so I'll preserve it on blip.

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