Spring Frost

A strong southerly change swept up the country yesterday. Although Blenheim missed out on the atrocious weather that affected other parts of the country, it was cold and still overnight. The temperatures dropped dramatically and we woke to a spring frost. This had put vineyard owners on edge with worries about potential damage to early budding grape varieties. So big frost fans on their towers were whirring away and a big helicopter was flying backwards and forwards and stirring up the still frosty air over one big vineyard near the Taylor River tracks. These frost fans are tall structures that are activated by computers when the temperatures drop to a certain level. They make quite a lot of noise but luckily are not usually needed for many nights of the year. The fans turn in all directions and stir up the air preventing frost damage to valuable crops.
I enjoyed a brisk invigorating early walk with the dogs…. They don’t mind the cold but I was grateful for a warm scarf and gloves. Hopefully there will be no frost tonight.

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