A Lazy Pirate....Some Fabulous News & ......

......A magical Letter from creative Lenna.

Flynn was a tired pirate today especially after he had tippy taped the world (he got a roll of sticky tape from the sooping market the other day)...it really is a big job.

It was a lovely bike ride to the beach ...all the spring fragrances are so strong I can identify most as I ride past.

The beach was full of blue bottles......(not empties) nasty little sea creatures that can give a wicked sting and has actually been the demise of many a beach goer...we didn't stay long..I think Jen of Newcastle Downunder sent them up this way....she had them on her beach the other day.

That brings me to the good news...... I have made the semi finals of the prestigious Photo Comp I was talking about a few weeks back....one of 150 out of 3000 entries......I'm chuffed. Ive checked out some of the other entries and I don't think I have much of a chance of winning there are some fabulous pics in there ..wow!...you can have a look if you like .......Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize I wonder if you could spot mine in amongst them all....hahahahaha!

And then a most beautiful envelope appeared in my letterbox...(I wasnt even expecting it) from Lenna who has just been visiting Frieda in Scotland..........I carefully slit it open so as not to damage it in any way...the whole thing so very very beautiful and heartfelt...thank you dear Lenna.

So all in all I reckon its been a pretty good day except the tippy tape in my hair and those nefarious blue bottles.

“Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.”
― Mark Twain,

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