Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Something Warm

In view of what has happened I was delighted that the lady who has helped me by cleaning the lodge these last two Saturdays, offered to do it again today.

I took the opportunity to go up to the Care Home and collect a few things for The Mother, including this cosy bed-jacket. It also gave me a chance to talk to the staff about what had happened on Thursday. She hadn't had a fall onto the floor, but a sidewards slip in her chair and her head must have hit the table.

She had had a very difficult time and had been extremely confused about lots of things. Poor Mother!

As I was making lunch I got a call from the hospital to tell be to go up now, straight to the ward. It was an awful 45 minutes until I got there.

She had been fine this morning, talking to staff and eating her breakfast but at lunchtime she had deteriorated and when I go there she was in a deep sleep. I sat at her bedside for 6 hours and accompanied her for her second CT scan. Nothing that was done made her open her eyes or speak but her face showed a picture of pain and discomfort.

I wrapped her bed-jacket across her to help keep her warm as her temperature reading was very low.

I asked the doctor if I should stay or go home. She suggested that The Mother's condition was stable but that she has had a small epidural haemorrhage. I decided to get some rest as they would call me back if things changed.

The Man had been waiting all this time for me and we went home.

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