Sunny September

So here we are, almost at the end of September and hasn’t it been a lovely sunny month?

This afternoon it was so hot that I had to go for a swim instead of a walk.

And then on the way home we popped into Tesco. Well obviously I didn’t because I’m a dog and I’m not allowed in supermarkets. And Ann made sure the car was parked in a shady spot because she never ever leaves me in the car in brilliant sunshine.

Anyway we have 'ranted about TESCO' before. We need to rant again!!!!!

Today every single aisle had huge wire trolleys filled with boxes, clogging up the space. And every single aisle had staff clogging up the space re-stocking the shelves. It’s a Friday afternoon for goodness sake. Why can’t Tesco’s get it right???

……………..And practically the whole of the veg. department was empty. Why???? Just what chance does anyone have of eating ‘5 a day’ when today there wasn’t even 5 different types of veg. that one could buy?? OK that might be a slight exaggeration. Very slight??? At least the wine shelves had what Ann wanted.

Ann was desperate to sneak around taking photos of all the empty shelves but she didn’t dare.

……………..And then at the checkout; her voucher to add 75 points to her clubcard for buying a particular type of wine, wouldn’t scan so she was told to go to the customer service point and they’d add it on manually. Well no way was she going to wait in the queue there while people bought cigarettes and lottery tickets.

……………..And just as an 'added extra' from our local Tesco store, Ann was handed a bit of paper that said, ‘You’ve saved 1p today’. Yay! 1p? Wonder how many trees were cut down to tell us that???

We can’t wait for the new Asda at Hayle to be built.

And to get back to this lovely sunny September weather……………….. It’s fabulous and we love it………………… but unfortunately by 6pm which is ‘wine o’clock time’ the sun has gone in and the evenings are a little bit chilly. But I’m a gorgeous little collie so I’ll happily lie on the sun terrace for a couple more hours.

Time to put the 'wine drinking chair' away for the winter we think!!!

Happy Weekend Blippers. xxx

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