bucks life

By bucksmiss

A gardener's garden

I slept well and had that nice feeling when I woke up of do I have to get up?… oh no, I don’t…. it's Saturday…roll over... doze for ten minutes. That said, somehow it’s easier to get up on a Saturday than on a week day. Something to do with what’s ahead in the day I reckon!

I saw L over breakfast who stayed down last night. He’s got a tricky weekend, family-wise, ahead of him so I wished him well and spent a lazy half hour in the garden watching the sparrows and finches and taking various spider, seed pod and flowerbed shots in the soft, autumn morning sun.

I changed a bed and did some washing then I went to B’s house to wait for Age UK who were coming to assess her furniture to see if they think they can sell any of it. P has done a sterling job of clearing most things out and I am hugely grateful to him. He has the time though, as he is currently unemployed.

Two very nice Age UK men arrived about an hour and a half into the slot they’d allocated me and so I spent a long time sitting on this lovely ‘bee’ chair (see blip) in B’s garden contemplating life, death and the beauty of nature. Her garden really is beautiful in autumn and I know she preferred the autumnal plants and light and all of the foliage and grasses. N bought her this chair years ago and I am going to keep it for myself in my garden now that she’s gone.

Age UK did want a lot of the furniture which is great, so they’re coming to fetch it next Saturday morning. Of course, the things we most wanted them to take, the bulky items (sofas, mattresses etc), they can’t sell owing to fire regulations labels being missing so we’ll need to get rid of them another way somehow.

Then I battled my way into Buckingham which is chaos whilst some major roadworks on the ring road are going on. C arrived and we had a nice chat in a coffee shop. She was a little emotional having not slept more than an hour at a time for a while now with this pregnancy and having had a few cross words with hubby this morning. I then went to hers via Boycott Farm to pick up some yummy pork for the freezer and had a quick play with Teddy while picking up the Breaking Bad box set so L can take it out to Spain next weekend for his parents to borrow till Christmas.

I’m home now watching Saints v Bath and L has called to say she’s on her way so I’m looking forward to a nice girly evening with her tonight.

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