Capital adventures

By marchmont


It was a long night. I at up till half 3 to feed Libby and settle her again. Her parents returned at 4 a.m.. Imagine that, out till 4 a.m. 3 weeks after giving birth. I could barely move for about 8 weeks! Of course having been on the alert for so long I couldn't sleep and then the security guards buzzed up at 5 and then rang the doorbell 4 times at 6 - some saga about where N's car was parked. n dealt with that. I eventually dozed off about 9. That meant we missed morning.

Later, after French toast and tea, @ d in Law did dome work on N's office design before N left to drive back to JB and we took Olivia downstairs in her buggy (off road travel system) for the first time. The tyres were a bit flat but that didn't seem to matter. It was hot and, and sunny - unusual for KL. We sat beside the pool for a while and #1 son had a dip. They went back up (for a sleep) and I had a swi and a lie in the sun. Then I had a nice long chat with a neighbour from Block A. Her daughter is 3 months and her mother has just arrived for the UK too. Her husband is from Glasgow so possible contacts there, both teachers. There is very little maternity leave here - 2 months paid plus optional 2 months unpaid and no paternity leave. A, the mum is already back doing some teaching and will go back part time in November. Luckily her school is next door. Being Sunday the pool got quite busy after 4 with kids and families. Despite the number of apartments here is never ceases to amaze me how unused that pool is.

After my swim I sewed some more cats and we all sat on the balcony for a bit. I am now roped i to taking up #1 son's new trousers before he heads to Myanmar on Tuesday. My mission in life since we are all shorthouses.

Pizza and the series finale of 'Outlander' finished the evening. I had to Googled the back story, part financed by Creative Scotland. I went to bed by 11 but #1 d in law stayed up and worked. She has appointments tomorrow including a few hours at the office and Granny is in charge, again.

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