Plant biology

What a freedom to post a Blip without a challenge attached to it ;-)
My potted plants outside are all done with blooming and should be cleared for winter.
In one of the lavender pots this weed/wild flower has nestled and is now starting to go to seed ! For the course to become a nature guide we've had several lectures on plants already and last Saturday we used Floras to determine the names of several wild flowers. I had no idea what this plant in the pot on my garden table was (and thought it was some kind of small dandelion), as it is good to practise plant determination today I took a couple of close-up shots and took my Flora guide to find out just what kind of plant this was. It did take some time, but I think I've found it. This is Senecio Vulgaris - Common Groundsel - Klein Kruiskruid. That bud-like yellow part is a flowerhead in full bloom, it's tiny, ¼ to ½ inch (6 to 13 mm), every stalk with yellow top part is a flower, and in the end it becomes a fluffy seedhead like a dandelion clock. Its name senecio refers to the Latin for an old man (senex) , probably because of the grey-white seedhead , that's why it's also called Old man in the Spring.

Thanks again for all your kind comments on yesterday's last Song Challenge Blip. I am really going to try to catch up with all your journals today.

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