A beautiful book

On 21st August this year I attended a lecture by the authors of this book. I didn't buy a copy then because we had to rush off immediately after the talk to meet our friends for dinner. However, as you can see, I now have the book in my possession.

I have actually bought it as a present for someone else. I am currently in the final throes of organising a big dinner on behalf of the University, which takes place a week on Tuesday. I have bought the book as a present for our guest of honour and keynote speaker for the evening. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, but I don't think she is on Blipfoto...

In other news, I have been operated on today! I was going to show off my wound, but it's not terribly interesting. For about a week I have had a swollen bleb on my ankle. I thought it was a blister. Today it was very sore - so sore that I couldn't wear ordinary shoes to work. By the time I came home I was finding it difficult to put any weight on my left foot at all. So, I went online, discovered that I was in mortal danger(!) and rang the doctor. Within half an hour the locum GP was lancing my bleb. She wasn't sure what was at the root of the swelling, but suspects a bite. The wound is now dressed, and I have antibiotics to get rid of the infection. I am banned from exercise until next week.

Exercise today: morning loops in 28'56", sit-ups and weight, then walk to work (1 hour), then hop to the doctor's surgery and back (40 minutes).

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