Full Moon

Olivia is one month old today and today she met her senior maternal great grandmother for the first time (senior because she is her mother's father's mother). We went over to Cheras late morning and there was much 'oohing' and 'aahing' with grandparents, a great aunt and a great grandmother. Aye tie (?) is the youngest of the 3 great grandmothers, only being in her late 70's but she is the least fit and is in a wheelchair. After Olivia had been introduced to the ancestors at the family shrine we went off to the Moon Palace Restaurant for dim sum.

Olivia behaved impeccably and slept through it all but I did manage to get a shot of the four generations - great grandmother, grandfather (gang gang) and mum.

Back at the house there were more relations - a great uncle and aunt and 2 first cousins once removed. There was giving of ang pow and also gold, bracelet and anklets, lucky girl. I gave pink dragees to the grandmother and great grandmother and I received a Full Moon box in return - red dyed eggs, red chicken, ginger (very important) and a recent addition, muffins. The 'oohing' and 'aahing' went into overdrive and still she mostly slept. As we were about to leave a third first cousin once removed arrived but we did finally get home.

I've just made banana bread and we're awaiting the arrival later of her dad, back from Yangon. It's been an exciting Sunday, my last here for a while.

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