The Makings of a Meal

In this instance, the meal was a plump pot roast, baked for nearly two hours with leeks, garlic, celery, carrots, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, rosemary, and red wine. Rich and I enjoyed this lovely meal together.

But often, I dine alone. I've observed that for many folks, eating alone means eating poorly. I've opted for the quick microwave dish many a time. But lately, I've decided that slapping a meal together badly because it is "only for me" is the wrong approach. Lately, when dining alone, I've resolved not to act by myself, but with myself, and from that starting point, I serve as dignified a meal to "just me" as I would if all the family and guests were on hand.

Soft music, a glass of my favorite Spanish red, perhaps even a candle or two, and simple, but delicious food can be the components of a meal that will complement my precious alone time and open the way for the inward conversation that is vital for each of us.

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