The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Trumpet

A leaky nappy had us all awake at 2am this morning. At 5.30 the morning took a further downward turn when mummy threw 6oz of fresh milk all over the floor.

The day started looking up when we went to my first gymnastics class. I let out a sigh of relief when mummy didn't dress me in spandex but despaired when she dressed me in a waterproof suit that was two sizes too big. At lunchtime she let me try some food. I tried: carrot - hated it, butternut squash - hated it, apple - hated it, sweet potato - choked on it and vomited.

I turned 6 months old today! This means that mummy has achieved her goal of exclusively breastfeeding me until now. And in the words of the midwife who carried out her 6 week check: 'she's that chuffed with herself!' Ok, time for mummy's trumpet to go back in its box!

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