My Glasses

This is a picture I took of myself wearing glasses (I’ve been wearing them for the past couple days). As you can obviously see, they aren’t like normal glasses in which most aren’t very colorful, but mine are pretty colorful if I do say so myself! I’ve had these glasses for about three years now, and surprisingly, I can still see clearly in them; to be honest, I haven’t worn them in such a long time. I remember I used to wear them every day in 8th grade, and I used to think that I was such a cool person with rainbow glasses (even though I probably wasn’t xD). Eventually around half-way through 8th grade my mother had bought me contacts, and so I lost the glasses and began wearing contacts on a daily basis instead, thinking that I looked prettier without glasses and that maybe the reason most people didn’t like me was because of my glasses (it was a stupid assumption of mine, but I was only thirteen). So I continued to wear my contacts for a couple of years, only wearing my glasses if I needed to. I remember dreading the days that I was forced to wear them; it was always when I had run out of contacts and I was waiting for my new pairs to come in the mail, so I usually had to wear my glasses for a week or so straight. I used to usually stay to myself during those weeks because I was afraid I was being judged, and when my contacts would arrive, I would ditch my glasses, put in my contacts, and gain my sense of self-esteem and confidence back. I can’t ever remember wearing my glasses last year, and I know for certain that I haven’t worn them this school year (well, besides now). Anyhow, I was talking to my friend Alyssa in gym last week, and I had noticed that she had been wearing her glasses for a little while now. I started talking to her on Friday about it, and I had explained how I was actually going to wear my glasses on Friday as well (due to a problem with my contacts), but I had not because I had managed to solve the problem with my contacts before I was to leave for school. She had told me that I should’ve worn them anyway so that we both would’ve been wearing them, and she told me that I should wear them on Monday. I quickly told her that I didn’t want to do that, but she asked me again, and because she’s my friend, I reluctantly agreed. I wore them on Monday and lowered my head whenever anybody looked or stared at me. I thought that I looked stupid, and I felt like I had lost my confidence like I had before, but once I started talking to my friends, they all said that I had looked nice with my glasses on. At first, I didn’t believe them, but after a while, I realized that maybe I didn’t look so bad with them on. So now, instead of only wearing them for one day, I’m planning on wearing them for the whole week! I feel like now that I know I look fine I can stroll around the school with the confidence that I once had; and this picture is supposed to represent that confidence!

P.S. If you know me well enough, you know that I HATE my picture being taken, so this is a big thing for me!

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