
This is a picture of one of my best (well, at least in my opinion) characters, Alex. She’s gone through a lot of changes over the years, but I think I finally “perfected” her, so to say. I got the idea for this picture while listening to “Conspiracy” by Paramore (and for all of the people out there that think she is naked, she is not, I just drew an outline of her body, nothing more!). It’s one of my favorite songs, I have to admit, and I can undoubtedly say that I’ve listened to that song at least 100 times, and sometimes even on repeat. I feel like such a strange person for always listening to a song on repeat for a while, but it’s just how I am, so oh well! xD Anyways, that song used to help me whenever I was going through a tough time; I really don’t know how it did, but in a way, it kind of helped me to release my stress, kind of like punching a pillow or something when you’re angry. Ironically, I haven’t listened to it in a while, but considering I usually only listened to it when I was sad, I guess that’s a good thing! :)

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