Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Sum id quod sum.

We awoke to a minor miracle this morning - it had stopped raining! Mrs T went off to her dance class with her pal and I headed off to the woods in search of fungi.

My find of the day was a group of these globular fungi growing on a fallen dead branch. I was rather taken with the way that this particular fungus is growing around and over a birch leaf that had fallen onto it when it was younger.

I have never seen this fungus before and I am afraid that I haven't the faintest idea what species it is. At one point I thought that I had cracked it, but the fact that the species I decided upon does not exist in Scotland strongly suggests that I may well be wrong. Not for the first time I might add, not by a long chalk!

If anyone can identify the fungus then I would be a very happy bunny indeed. Meanwhile it must be a case of Sum id quod sum.

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