The Chicken Man......

chemical cleansing.... 2 glasses of Red.....and I really dont like daylight saving

I didnt go to M's Birthday party last night.....when I thought about being around all those people (however lovely they are) I went into some type of very strange and contracted I went up on the hill and got eaten by mozzies instead with the kids.
We went around this afternoon to drop off a little pressie and we spent a lovely hour or so just hanging in the was good to catch up on the events of the evening and take some pics (of course). Flynn loved the chickens...and he got given a lovely fresh egg for his dinner.

My hair is no longer nearly to my waist...Jaiya cut a good 3 inches off.....and I think I lost a good pillow full combing out those bloody bugger nits...I went and got some wicked chemical stuff..the stuff that makes you swoon from the fumes.......jeez! they must be gone by now.

Ahh! so we get to the 2 glasses of red. I really am not good in crowds of people anymore and ......I wonder if I ever have been. I was my bestest friends Art exhibition....I HAD TO GO........I started off OK......I grabbed a glass of red and mingled.
It wasn't until the second glass of wine that I started to get hot and silly....I think I was still reeling from the fumes of the nit stuff too....suddenly I felt as if I was out side myself watching myself spinning a little too fast.

I had to leave and I didnt even get to tell Z how wonderful her paintings and drawings were .....and how beautiful they looked ...and how awesome I think she is..... and how much she touched me with her speech..I hope you read this darling...if not I will tell you next time I see you. I did my best love.

I think im going to have a headache in the morning.

“You are a volume in the divine book
A mirror to the power that created the universe
Whatever you want, ask it of yourself
Whatever you’re looking for can only be found
Inside of you”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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