J.J.'s Back in Town

{ friday morning back-blip due to internet glitches on thursday }

If anyone ever decides to make a bronze statue of me, I couldn't think of a better place to be reclined for all eternity than right outside Rocket Donuts, Acme Ice Cream, and Fat Pie Pizza which is exactly where you see J.J. Donovan seated in this photo.

John Joseph Donovan ("J.J.") was a civil engineer, entrepreneur, leading businessman, and community figure in the early days of Bellingham, WA where he settled in the 1880's. This new bronze statue, showing a 30 year old Donovan, was unveiled just last month, and was the creation of the same local sculptor who created a bronze statue of another Bellingham icon, Dirty Dan Harris.

I've enjoyed many a donut and ice cream on this corner, especially since my favorite book store is just a few steps away. And though thick, Chicago-Style pizza is not considered pizza where I'm from, I will still venture in for a slice at Fat Pie someday soon.

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