in the Heempark near the big pond.
Yesterday evening all had went well. It has been a fascinating evening, the subject mysticism in poetry and music and even in theory kept us captivated.
Late at home again and the next morning came quickly too.
Although a bit tired I wanted to achieve some tasks and the morning seemed a good idea to start with it.
After lunch, after some thinking where to go, on my bike to the Heempark and the Pluk, the city farm at the same location. The landscape keeps changing since all the reed was cut and I can't remember this all was done so severy in former years. It really had been englected, and now there are so many times persons busy with keeping it neat and passable too. New paths are made too.
I spotted the crow and one or two more sitting at the branches, only the crow in the picture stayed quietly for a decent photo.
I enjoyed my stay in the park, sat for a while at the bench overlooking the big pond, looking at the ducks and the coots. There were still dragonflies eagerly flying for a bit of food.
At dinnertime Mischa came and Piet Hein made a delicious pizza.

My haiku:

You live safely high
Dared to come for a bit of bread
Sharing with the others

And the quote by Emily Dickinson:

Silence is all we dread / There's Ransom in a voice = / But Silence is Eternity.

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