Meet the gazebo

There's this looping no-smoking announcement which repeats and repeats and repeats at the entrance to Beaumont Hospital. I remember it well from last year and how annoying it became when I wasn't feeling up to moving too far away from the entrance when I went on my little stretch-the-legs wanders. "Smoking is strictly prohibited in or around the entrance to this hospital. Smokers are requested to use the designated gazebos which are provided for them. Thank you for not exposing others to passive smoking" (or words to that effect).

There are two gazebos. This is the older, more traditional model, situated some distance from the entrance. A second one has appeared since my stay last year; a more modern, swisher, flashier one; all crisp clean lines in metal and glass. Either the original one wasn't large enough to accommodate all the puffers, or it was too far for them to walk to it and smokers congregated around the entrance regardless, or the more traditional timber and tiles design just wasn't good enough for the more discerning among the nicotine addicts.

Anyway ... Today's cardiac rehab session went well. Breda allowed no let-up at all, but kept us moving relentlessly from machine to machine. So it's one week done and nine to go. Meetings with the dietician are included in the programme, one next week and another the following one, but I've been given a dispensation because of the appointment I already had at the beginning of the month.

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