Art Techniques

This is one of the many pictures that I'm hanging up on my wall. It's a picture of a girl listening to music, and I drew it off of a picture my sister had (so it's not a character of mine xD). I think I drew it about three years ago, or sometime around 7th or 8th grade. It amazes me to see that I could actually draw back then as well. I always look back on old characters I made, or just simple sketches out of the blue, and I always think that I was a horrible artist back then; but when I look at pictures like these, ones that I drew that were based off an actual picture, I realized I was good, I just didn’t know how to create art on my own. Over the years though, I managed to “practice”, so to say, and I worked on shading, proportions, glare, pencil strokes, stuff like that; and it all paid off, because I notice every day, I’m getting better and better. Day by day I look back on the things I drew a day earlier, or a week or a month or even a year, and I realize that I have improved, that maybe I am actually a really good artist. It really makes me hopeful for the future, because if I keep practicing and keep getting better, imagine how good I’ll be in a couple years!

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