
So, remember those swirls I mentioned the other day? Well, here they are! I tried to take a picture of them, but the picture didn’t turn out as good as I’d hoped it would, but oh well! Anyways, so the story behind this is actually quite interesting, or at least it is to me. So, I have these two sets of pens that I use, and they’re really cool. They kind of look like colored pencils, but they’re just colored pens. I found them in my room the other day, and decided to start using them (for once!) and I really liked how they looked on paper, so I put them in my pencil case and brought them to school to use when I’m doodling. As I was using them, I noticed that they always seemed to barely work, and I thought maybe they were dying. Instead of just wasting another piece of paper to test them, I just flipped over my hand and drew a little bit on my palm. It never failed to make a big mark on my hand, and I noticed that the pens seemed to work much better on my skin than on actual paper. Once I figured this out, I got a little curious, and I wanted to see what it would look like if I drew a picture on my hand. I decided to use the “swirls” idea from another picture I drew (I should post a picture of that as well!) and just drew whatever came to my mind. After about a half an hour or so, I noticed that it took up most of the space on the back of my hand, so I decided to stop drawing and just let it go, figuring it would wash off in the morning. When I woke up however, it was still there, albeit a little faded, and even when getting it wet, it didn’t come off! So I went to school with the design on my hand, and, being the strange artist that I am, decided to re-darken all of the faded parts, and add onto it so it covered the whole back of my hand instead of just most of it. When I was finished, it looked like I had on a glove. I thought it looked really cool, and apparently, so did everybody else! I had people coming up to me all day, asking me if I drew that, and telling me that it looked cool. I even had some people ask me if I could draw it on their hands, too! It may seem stupid, but to me, that made me feel kind of special to get all of that recognition. I guess it makes me feel like I know what I’m doing with my life by drawing and doodling constantly, and like I finally have a talent that most others think is amazing.

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