White as Snow

This beautiful white cherry blossom is down the street from us. I have never taken too much notice of the different kinds of Cherry Blossoms before this year. The one next door that hangs over the fence I blipped the other week is a pink one. This one has a little pink but also some green tints but is mostly white when fully out.. The double pinks are looking good just now also.

After a very hot day yesterday today has been cool and overcast. It has just started to rain lightly.

White is snow falling on the ground.
It's clouds in the blue sky.
And foam that splashed on ocean shores.
It's the splendour of flowers blooming.
It's the richness of pearls.
It's the robe of the angels.
It's the pale morning sky.
It's the majesty of a wild stallion.
Yet the beauty of a young mare.
It's a crisp winter's chill.
It's as sweet as vanilla.
White is purity and radiance.
It's clarity and peace.
It cannot be angered.
It's the mystery of the moon.
It has the youth of a newborn foal.
Yet it is ageless.
It's the softness of a pillow.
And as smooth as silk.
It has the brilliance of lightning.
It's as enduring as true love.
It cannot be easily overpowered.
It's the light that shines from the heavens.
It is never negative.
It's encouraging and will stand by you.
White is both power and love.
By by Marvel-Maniac

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