The Other Side

It’s funny how things start.
The Boss was looking for a screwdriver this morning and ended up completely spring cleaning (a month late) the garage. The garage has been a point of discontent for a while ‘Cos it was full of leaves, left over from Autumn and they regularly stuck to my curls and got a free ride into the house usually to be deposited on the Kitchen floor. The Boss thought that added a lovely rural look to the kitchen but The Bossess, in rare moments of kitchen occupation, grumbled and usually got the mini vac out….I hate this ‘Cos it makes awful noises undetectable to the human ear especially those attached to blokes with an abundance of white hair… No Names mentioned…OK.
Anyway the day got faffed away and it wasn’t till The Boss looked out his studio window and glimpsed this, on the other side of the lake, that a Blip was born. He really would have liked TravellingKiwis new glass but didn’t have time to phone her etc etc etc…..AND in fact is trying not to even look at it because of the OLAYD factor.
(One Look, And You’re Dead)
In other news his iPad is on charge so I think it will be another dogless Saturday night watching Homeland on AppleTV from the local streaming thingie, so I am looking out my “Footie” which is my NOISIEST toy for entertainment.

TravellingKiwis Glass

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