Don't leave your bike unattended

Not even for a second. Not round here, or someone will pinch it. This guy only stopped pedaling for a second, and his bike was gone. He hasn't even realised it yet they were in and out so fast. Even the shadow hasn't had a chance to keep up with events!

Spoke to Luke yesterday. I knew there were some marriage customs in China to do with the giving of money as gifts to the bride and groom and a dowry to the mother of the bride, and I didn't expect to agree with them, and guess what, I didn't.

Luke has minimal savings, but is expected to pay a dowry to Cary's mother. He is planning to give 40% of his savings to her and he tells me that the sum involved would be considered low given the family's social standing. Well bollocks to that. Everything that goes to Cary's mother is money denied the young couple and more importantly, the baby. I do hope that she does the decent thing and gives it back, although I suspect that won't happen. I think custom will take precedence over doing the right thing.

We would also love to buy everything they need for the baby as they already have most of what they need for themselves. That can't work because custom dictates that we give them money in a red envelope at the wedding dinner. I don't have an issue with that as long as the money is used for its intended purpose, which I'm sure it will be. What got my goat up was once again, an expectation of how much we should give. Luke wanted to give us the rest of his savings so that we could give it back to them as part of our monetary gift and look good. Bollocks to that as well. We will give the couple more than enough to buy what they need for the baby and I couldn't give a flying f**k what the entire population of China makes of it.

There. I feel better having got that off my chest.

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