A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Baby Morgan Bathes

Sometimes during family gatherings someone has to go. You know what I mean, go. Morgan poohed out of her diaper, down her darling leggings, all the way to her toes, so her mommy declared it was bath time. Owen and I thought it was dessert time, but dessert had to wait until Morgan took her bath on the kitchen counter. Owen pouted. Olivia jabbered. Nana snapped pictures. And now it's time for Nana to go - to bed, that is.

Great day it was celebrating a belated birthday and eating chocolate cake (I actually skipped it because I haven't had any real sugary substances for two months now and I was afraid it would send me into a sugar coma). It really didn't look good to me. Honest. Don't feel sorry for me, I brought some home just in case it starts looking good tomorrow.

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