A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Snow Delirium

I've got it. This is how I know I've got it: I am seeing faces in the melting snow on the grass. I thought it was a really cool fluke when I saw the one on the left that looks like a lion's face. But then I noticed he has a nose piercing (which startled me). A moment later, I knew I had the dreaded snow delirium because I saw yet another face - with its lopsided grin. You can never trust a face with a lopsided grin, I have found. So I decided to stay inside until the snow completely melts. But of course the only sure cure for snow delirium is the first 70 degree F day. So it seems I'll be afflicted for some time to come.

In spite of it all, I'm glad I was able to make the scheduled invitation to be on a panel of speakers at the local community college. They were looking for business entrepreneurs to speak to high school business teachers. I was scared to death, but I managed not to let on, too much. I have a lot to say after all. One teacher asked me if I'd be interested in speaking to his class of young wanna-be-entrepreneurs. They may not be as receptive as this room-full of teachers was. They might throw rotten fruit at me. Or worse yet, snow.

Caution: Looking at this in big mode may cause snow delirium.

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