Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lantana Mystery

I don't know much about Lantana except that it will not make it through our winters as it prefers someplace like Southern California to thrive all year long. I know that it has bright and cheery little flowers and I know that it will attract butterflies and I know this because it attracted the attention of a Monarch Butterfly which amazes me still when I think about it. I also know that we bought two plants from the same place at the same time from the same area, but the plants are different from one another. This plant is fuller and after the flower blooms these huge seeds form which look like berry clusters. You can see them when they are green and in the lower right, one that has ripened and is a very dark blue/purple color. The other plant doesn't seem to be producing these huge seed heads. And I am sharing this because I have no other photo to show you.

Many insurance companies in the US now have a nurse who works for a company that is contracted by the insurance company to pay a house visit to some of their customers. I should have asked, but I think it's for people on medicare. I agreed to the visit and we had a nice chat and she went over some things to help me. And since I am now officially about as heavy as I've ever been....some changes are in order. So wish me luck. I'm going to get through the rest of this day and tomorrow without wheat. One day at a time. And I'm going with Bill to the gym tomorrow and I'll walk the treadmill. One day at a time. I went to the store and bought almond milk. I am going to make up quinoa, which is a protein rich grain, and that will be my breakfast...mixed with some flavor like fruit and a bit of agave syrup and cinnamon. Quinoa has no flavor of it's own. I need to consider my diabetic tendencies and to counter that, I need to change some eating patterns. One day at a time. Right?? So, pray for me. LOL (I'm going to pretty much assume that the delicious lasagna that we had Saturday night is a no-no. :( )

We had some light scattered showers today, but the air is heavy with what will be soon enough.....lots and lots of rain. Tomorrow will be a good day to walk at the gym and then read, clean house, wonder how my quinoa spaghetti that I bought today will taste, and listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.

See ya.

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