Dr. Livingstone, I presume.

On a dull drizzly day I had to look no further than the pavement outside the University building where I work to spot today's blip. The murals that now festoon the walls provide rich picking for a photographer. The moustachioed figure can be none other than former illustrious student - African explorer and missionary David Livingstone. In the large version you might wonder at the resemblance between the middle student and the esteemed doctor - a chubbier, younger moustachioed double!

In 1836 he entered Anderson's College (as the University of Strathclyde was called in the early days). Livingstone's work experiences from 10 to 26 years of age in the Blantyre cotton mill, first as a piecer and later as a spinner, were also important. As well as supporting his impoverished family, this hard work taught him persistence, endurance, and a natural empathy with working people. He is one of the University's greatest alumni.

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