
By TynvdB

Looking over my shoulder

In between the shuttling, I’am Here. A thrilling day. The day I used to hate and preferably would forget: Birthday. Perhaps because I deplored to grow older and older, while failing to present myself as someone who made his dreams come true. Soon life would be over and I would still feel unfulfilled. But anyhow, whatever obstacle may have prevented me from enjoying my birthday as a day to celebrate, now I’m learning to change.

And so I started this day with joy, looking forward to finishing the list of small tasks to achieve here. And towards the evening, having a fine Sauerkraut-meal. Mischa knows a marvellous receipt. She would come over and bring the ingredients. And so we did and cooked. But first I went to sea to have a last look. The storm had decreased, but the sea was still rough. Many holliday walkers took their opportunity to walk along the high tide surfline.

I did not stay long, just breathed and made some photos. The chosen is the last one I made when leaving the beach: looking over my shoulder. There is some touch of unexpected beauty on this dark grey day. Lets Keep our Sail High. I love life, my Dear Ones And Mischa’s Sauerkraut!

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