Breakfast in Bed

Yes.... Breakfast in bed in the Coronary Care Unit at Warau Hospital here in Blenheim. With monitors and intravenous lines in me. I don't want to be here but it is the best place to be for the moment. I am here to have a persistent attack of Atrial Fibrillation/tachycardia/palpitations/ racing heart sorted out hopefully once and for all. I have had similar attacks in the past but none as persistent as this one. I feel tired but otherwise perfectly fit and well so it is all a bit of a mystery. Hopefully the medical and nursing staff will sort me out and I will head home tomorrow. Thank heavens for my iPhone and Kindle! So I apologize if I am being a bit lax with replying to your lovely comments of recent days.... I will catch up with you all once I am home. Arohanui. :-)

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