Teaching an old dog new tricks

He's not bad either.

Soon after Mum died we got Dad a smart phone. He's been doing some bits and pieces on it but it was never fully set up.

I've been trying to fill in the gaps and add to his repertoire of tricks. A less than stellar day in the weather department has aided our cause.

Joke of the day, we ended up at the mall again :-/ We've misplaced a bull dog clip with various papers and wondered if we left it at the Vodaphone store yesterday. 20 minutes of hell and the answer was no.

All in all a good day - run up the hills first thing in the wet for hpx, leisurely breakfast and then coffee before going off to look at some tablets and hybrid tablet/notebook for Dad.

Roast lamb, veges and all the trimmings for dinner. We'll both enjoy that and Mum would proud of my efforts.

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