Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Confused cactus

I think of this as a Christmas Cactus, but it is already in nearly full-flower already (as are 4 cuttings I have taken from it). The photo proved quite trying, as the micro SD card I used (64G, and barely used), failed to read at the end of the first session, and repeated attempts to access it on different computers via different readers failed. In the end I abandoned the attempt, and shot the pictures again, this time using a Sandisk rather than a Lexar card. I usually use Sandisk, and I think the only cards I have ever had fail are 2 Eye Fi cards and this Lexar - so I'll stick to Sandisk in future. One thing I should be glad of is that the card did not fail on the recent BCLM women chainmakers' event! Subsequent attempts to re-format the Lexar card failed, so it is destined for the bin.

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