My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Big Lips, and a Good Chat.

I saw this woman as I was driving through a diverse area of Nottingham today.
There were bug eyed men on the phone, seated in their vast top of the range Audi's, and pavements full of people in the sun. The shops were different from the very centre of the city. It was a good change from all the usual 'cool' chains.
I had heard of this area, but never driven through it before. I was having a good look as I drove. With the doors locked.

I suddenly saw a rare and rather comforting sight, a woman in a head scarf, having a good chat in the street, to another, and not a mobile. She had donned a bright scarf, which I think has scenes of Yorkshire landscapes on it.

They were standing in front of an enormous mouth. It suddenly screamed, blip. (The scene, not the mouth) I was stuck in traffic, so I managed to get a snap of them before the flow pushed me forward.

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