A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A Class Act.

One of the reasons for our trip to Bristol was to see Grace in 'Sister Act' at the Hippodrome Theatre.

It was a fantastic show with, of course, a great performance from Grace as Sister Mary Robert, the shy Postulate.

It wasn't a show that initially appealed to me but is was brilliant from start to finish with a well deserved standing ovation.

Bristol itself was a bit of a revelation tonight. I don't think I have been in a big city before on Halloween and was amazed by the number of people on the streets in fancy dress. At home in our village we usually just get a few children in 'Trick or Treating'.

I imagine it was all fun but there were some police around on horseback just in case. Shame someone had put soap in one of the city centre water features! Foam every where!

We had a great night after a glorious day which could easily have been summer. We ended the evening in the bar frequented by the patrons of Bristol Old Vic together with most of the cast of the show.

Well done everybody!

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