
Work, work, work for most of the day.

Took a break early afternoon and went out to Howth. Lovely bright, sunny weather, though a bit of a chilly breeze. Decided to go up to Deer Park, past Howth Castle. Lots of dedicated golfers were gathered there, ready to head off on their rounds, either on the full course or the short one. It was really pleasant up there, and the break, short as it was, really did me good.

Back afterwards to more work, work, work.

Isn't Blip amazing? A real font of information. I only learned about World Book Day thanks to the bookish blips which cropped up today (lesson to self: check out the Forums more often). As far as I got was taking my current read with me on the trip to Howth. Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow jumped off the shelf the other day when I was looking for something to read. I have fond memories of reading it before, and am impressed all over again after the first few chapters.

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