
It appears to be my 1825th blip today, although it's two days short of the anniversary of my first blip. How does that work? Must be something to do with leap years.

Before I even started blipping (when I was just a voyeuse), I was very struck by MAiT's mission statement; "Always wondered.... if you subsequently saw a glimpse of each day you'd lived, would you recall them all?" So I have just went back through the calendar and picked out five days, one per year - and yes, I do remember them all. I tried to pick on different months in each year but otherwise it was truly random.

11th Dec 2009 - a view from a train. Plus ça change (the more it changes, the more it stays the same).

18th August 2010 - a bunch of blippers (in a pub!), and the only time I ever met Linda!

13th March 2011 - oh, what sadness. It was the day my old and beloved friend Terence died.

17th May 2012 - waiting on the station platform at Mallaig with lovelies DaveH and my big brother, on the way home from our wee adventure.

12th October 2013 - something I saw on the pavement on our way home from a concert. We not only saw an old friend play a fine gig but also bumped into the legendary MAiT (himself)!

Today's blip might have featured several strange and interesting sights I saw on my journey down to Newcastle and back - but I decided to go with this extract from the 5th November 1914 edition of the Times newspaper, which was on display in the Lit & Phil library. The light was quite poor but I didn't want to use flash, so I've tried to sharpen it a bit in the hope that the text is readable. 100 years ago today.

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