
By victoriangeny


This is a picture of my bedroom. You may be wondering why a picture of my bedroom, but I can explain. When my room got redone, I was like twelve. I had little to no sense of style and I picked polka dots to go on one wall. As the years went past, I got sick of the polka dots. My mom didn’t want me to get rid of them, so she had my cousin, Candace, paint stuff inside the polka dots. It was cool, but it still wasn’t what I wanted. I dealt with my room being the way it was for another couple years. Finally, this past week, I said enough was enough. I was looking at DIY’s on the internet, and I saw a turquoise wall with Christmas lights hanging on the wall. I got up, went to Wal-Mart, and got all the paint I needed to cover up that polka dot wall. In the process, the wall looked terrible. You could see all the brush/roller lines, and I began to get upset. Finally, after a third coat, the wall turned out like I wanted it to. Once I started hanging the lights, everything just came together. This picture is the final product of my room, and I couldn’t be any happier with it!

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