
By Leiflife

Pelican Morning

Music and I were walking around the Inner Harbor Park when the sound of happy voices reached us from across the water. A woman with a very small boy was feeding the pelicans with audible delight. I was enchanted even from a distance, and soon we were in the car and making our way to the other side of the harbor.

I took a few photographs of the charming pair, but I felt a little apologetic for intruding so focused primarily on the pelicans while the woman and child ran down the pier. Without the potential for edible handouts, the birds subsided into a slow motion dance on the water's surface. One and then two floated past my camera lens, then three circled round one another in stately patterns.

I found it difficult to choose just one from among the photos taken. I had been charmed by the lively human and pelican interaction...piping voices and whoosh of wings...which my camera didn't quite capture. Mine was a different and quieter energy and the pelicans seemed to reflect the serenity they aroused in me. So I go with what the morning became...after the childish energy left the scene.

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