A time for everything

By turnx3

Last year's leaves

Another beautiful day, so after a morning at home doing odd jobs, I went walking at Sharon Woods in the afternoon. I started walking through the gorge - not a wise decision, as the path was covered either still with slushy snow, or mud, so you had to pick your way carefully. Then I walked around the lake - here the path was totally clear, so I managed to walk briskly (inbetween stopping for photos!), but as you can see, the lake is still frozen, though at the far end where it is shallower, it is beginning to thaw. The sun had brought quite a few people out, many with their dogs. It felt so good to be walking outisde, after so much time spent exercising indoors this winter - at the pool, or treadmill. I'll be continuing with my workouts at the "Y" though, as I burn more calories there, and I don't keep stopping to take photos!
I've finally back-blipped the last week, starting here. I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much lately either, I shall try and get back on track!

One year ago:

Lines, pattern and texture

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