Reflections on a good day

We made it up to the hills in time to play a few holes of golf before meeting the widow of HH's golf partner for lunch. We might have played a few more if I hadn't kept wandering off to take photos. Just as well HH is a monumentally patient man.

The Saturday theme for the November Theme Challenge is Saturday Senses - any of the five senses. All of mine had a good time today. I should probably have posted the shot of the jasmine that smothered the side of a tee-side hut and perfumed the air all around. Simply gorgeous. Or the Ohia blossoms that delighted my sight. Then there was the birdsong - the other day, I snapped a wren singing her heart out, but not today. Taste would have been the bacon butty I've just eaten for supper, but touch? Maybe petting the dog (when I wasn't trying to stop her from gouging blood out of my arms or jumping up and nearly knocking me over. Or perhaps the feel of a well hit golf ball - and I did have a few decent shots. So I'll go with the golf club (but only because I like the reflections). Maybe that will qualify for 'sight'.

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