
By middaypyjamas


After getting back late from the wedding yesterday I had to get up early today to get to work. It wasn't to bad however, and you know, money. Holly went over the other side of the city to visit her family leaving me at home to rest up, which I did after going for a quick run. Unfortunately I must of over napped because I woke up feeling disorientated, dizzy, and generally worse than I had prior to the nap. There is a science to napping and I have far from mastered it.

My evening was present as I had the house to myself and continued my relaxing ways with a book, television, and then cooking myself dinner. I had the ever enjoyable meal of breakfast for dinner complete with the fried tomato you see above, bacon, hash brown, mushrooms, and scrambled eggs on toast with avocado Whatever deliciousness your currently imagining in your mind, that was exactly it.

The ability to enjoy food is truly one of the great blessings of our kind.

- Damian

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