Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Mono Challenge 3/5 - Remembrance Sunday

Another early morning start for me except today, it was just me getting ready. G had a day off! Professional Development in school and she didn’t have to be there. So I went off of my day having taken G a cup of tea for once!

I later heard G had dressed especially for today and as I was home for lunch, I took the advantage of getting this shot… G wearing her poppy with much pride. Unfortunately, I do not know if any of my fore-fathers served in the wars of the last century; the closest I’ve been to people who have are Geraldine’s parents both of whom served in World War II. Didn't get to a service either.

G was very sad yesterday that her mum hadn’t lived to see the poppies in London as she would have loved those. And she waited in the evening for BBC World to show a clip of the Queen laying the wreath at the Cenotaph.

Apologies for the colour pop not working so well here. Unfortunately, I haven’t got the software required to fix the red on Gs lips and not sure where the red on her ear has come from!!! I have “softened” the image as I thought it was more appropriate.

PS. I blipped yesterday.

11/11/14: A very kind graphic designer Junaid in the office helped put the colour pop right! :)

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