Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Lafayette War Memorial

There is a hillside in Lafayette, California that is covered with white crosses symbolizing the US troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. New crosses are added twice a month, one for each person who is killed. The total is kept on a large sign amid some of the crosses.

Erected on private property in a very visible part of town, it was started in November 2006. Since then, the crosses have sparked protests, against the war and against the monument itself. The town council has passed a sign ordinance prohibiting such displays in the future, but they have agreed to allow this one to remain.

Those who oppose the memorial call it a "mock memorial" since it was started and is maintained by those who oppose the war. Some families of those who have lost their lives in the wars oppose the memorial and consider it disrespectful but some are pleased by it.

The supporters vow to continue adding crosses until all the US soldiers have returned.

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