Yakkety-Yak Evening

Dinner in Apeldoorn with my very good friend and ex-colleague P! A happy evening! We updated each other to the ground and chatted more than ate. It was amusing to get some of the latest news about my former boss. I found out, for instance, who the manager is now in the department where I used to teach -- I am so glad I no longer work there! Haha!

Did have to attend a meeting at work but which, unfortunately, had been moved from 10.00 to 15.00. I told those present I had to leave at 16.00, finished or not, for the long drive north. I am glad I did -- it turned out to be the second busiest traffic-jam nationwide this whole year. Instead of the 1.5 hours I had calculated, it took me 2.5 hours. No problem, I was a mere half hour late, but, by that time, I had mobile phoned P and told her that 18.30 was the new target.

Got home at 23.45 ... which used to be normal for me when I was still working there. And to think I lived that way for 8 years ...

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